If anyone you know has some sort of drug addiction, you need help them right away and you need to know that it is never too late to get help. If you are unsure about how to tell if the person has a drug addiction you will find several key symptoms of a drug addiction below. The same symptoms below will also work with a person with an alcohol addiction.
If a person starts having problems at work, such as that usually show up late, they zone out, they miss work, or they often forget to complete tasks, these are signs of a possible drug addiction. Although before pointing a finger one must investigate the situation a little further. The worker maybe ill or may have an ill loved one causing much stress and misinterpreted signs may be visible in the work place. Before confronting this person it is very important to to figure out what is going on behind the scenes.
At home if a loved one forgets to do chores, comes home exceptional late, has mood swings, over sleeps, and has many legal and financial problems, then a drug addiction may be lurking. Before confronting them find out why they are coming home late, what they are spending their money on or if something else is creating stress, such as an upcoming event, unemployment, or an employer.
There are other obvious signs where you notice the person is often drunk, coming home drunk, high, or often has the scent of alcohol or other drugs on them.
If you know the person has a problem, you must confront them. Confrontation will be difficult but a true addict will not admit they have a problem unless a life changing experience occurs that makes them want to seek help. An addict may state they can quit anytime. If they say this then tell them to prove it. If you need help there are numbers such as 1-800-933-3869 that can help you or drug rehab facilities that can help both parties. Remember every second counts, get your loved one back!